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Will I Still Need to Wear Glasses After LASIK?

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If you currently depend on eyeglasses or contact lenses to see clearly, you may be wondering if LASIK can truly help you eliminate your need for them. Many patients indeed achieve sharp vision for life without returning to visual aids, while others may wear glasses to help improve their vision during certain activities. Dr. Johnson wants patients to be aware of the outcomes associated with LASIK; here he shares important information about vision quality after surgery.

Most Patients Do Not Need Glasses After LASIK

For most patients, LASIK results in the elimination of their need for visual aids. In fact, it helps patients achieve 20/20 vision or better.

LASIK corrects refractive issues such as:

Nearsightedness: Nearsightedness, or myopia, is when vision is blurry when focusing on objects at a distance, but objects up close appear clear. Eyeballs that are slightly longer may have trouble with proper light refraction, resulting in nearsightedness.

Farsightedness: This occurs when objects up close appear unclear; however, vision at a distance remains sharp. Patients with eyeballs that are shorter than normal experience farsightedness.

Astigmatism: LASIK also treats astigmatism, which is an imperfection in the eye’s curvature, leading to blurry vision up close and at a distance.

Successful LASIK Can Still Result in the Need for Eyeglasses

In some cases, patients may still need to wear eyeglasses, even after a successful LASIK procedure. This is because LASIK simply cannot halt the natural effects of aging. Many individuals notice a change in their vision as they grow older; for some, this is caused by presbyopia. This condition is characterized by incremental loss of the ability of the eyes to focus on objects up close. It is a natural part of aging and occurs when the lens of the eye can no longer refract light correctly onto the retina. Presbyopia usually takes hold between the ages of 40 and 50. As presbyopia worsens, patients may need reading glasses to help them see better while engaging in activities that require sharp short-range vision.

How Will I Know What Results to Expect?

Before you undergo laser eye surgery, Dr. Johnson will conduct an eye exam and assess the overall health of your eyes and vision. Precise measurements of your eyes will be taken to identify the refractive errors affecting them. Dr. Johnson will also explain the details of the procedure and the expected outcomes.

Learn More at Johnson Laser Eye

Learn more about laser eye surgery and get started with a consultation. To schedule your LASIK appointment at Johnson Laser Eye, contact our office today.

Forms for Eye Doctor Office

8115 Market Street, Suite 312
Wilmington, NC 28411-8427

Fax: (910) 444-2939

Office Hours

Monday - Thurs 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 12pm
Saturday/Sunday - Closed